How To Get Free Trip As A Single Woman

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Single supplements on cruise ships - the bane of the solo traveler Those of us often find the whole issue of paying extra for a solo rip eminently distasteful, unfair and borderline insulting. A world o f no single supplement travel is our dream. Single woman buy house or condo. Why should we pay more because we are traveling on our own?

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I don't think we should. But companies exist to make money and if you have an unused bed in your room, it’s a bed they’re not selling that could be sold to someone else. Since hotels base their prices on double occupancy - two people sharing a double room - your unoccupied bed will have to be paid for by someone. They will argue they have fixed costs such as cleaning, heating, electricity and lower spending by singles. But why not build in solo travelers from the start - smaller rooms with lower overheads, more rooms for solo travelers, special deals.

It's at least as much a frame of mind issue as a financial issue because let's face it, some rooms will stay empty. Why not preempt that by planning properly for those of us who travel alone? What is a single supplement, anyway? Let’s say you want to take a tour that costs $3000. When you read the fine print, you see something like this: Single supplement $2000.

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So if you’re traveling with someone, you’ll each pay $3000 and share a room. If you’re traveling on your own, you’ll pay $5000. In fact, the single supplement is so well-established it has its own. Go ahead and read it. It’ll make you growl.

17 ways to avoid paying single supplements Believe it or not, travel without single supplements does exist! Here are 17 clever tips on how to avoid single supplement charges: 1. Argue like hell and beg if you need to: in other words, negotiate for no single supplement Use your diplomatic skills. Just because an operator doesn’t offer to get your single supplement waived doesn’t mean you can’t ask. After all, you have nothing to lose. Make a list of suitable companies and pick up the phone, send an email, tweet them: “Would you waive the single supplement on your March tour to Bali?” You might get a Yes.