Which Salutation Should I Use For Single Woman

  1. Which Salutation Should I Use For Single Woman

Attention: Miss J. Fonda, CEO and Mr.

M.Jackson, CFO Ladies and Gentlemen: If you are writing a letter to officials, see for more information. Business letter salutation FAQ The following are questions I have received on the subject of the salutation in a business letter format.

Addressing two brothers or sisters by Lolo (Cave Creek, AZ) I am trying to write a business letter to two brothers, with the same last name. What is the appropriate greeting for this type of letter?! - Answer: Hi Lolo, You can write it in a few ways: The formal way is. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Hope this helps. Regards, Dax Informal opening of letter or note I was taught for years that you must open an informal letter or note using a comma between the greeting and the person's name. Is that right or wrong?

Which is correct? Hi, Nancy, OR Hi Nancy, Good afternoon, Linda, OR Good afternoon Linda, - Answer: The best way to write an informal letter is to write it as if you are talking. There is no right or wrong with an informal letter. When you put a comma after a word, there is a pause when you read it.

So, Hi, Nancy would be Hi (pause) Nancy. How does that sound to you? I would personally go with the comma after the name so that there is no pause between the hi and the name. But it depends on how you normally speak.

Regards Dax Letter written to one person with 'attention' to another person in that office If a letter is being sent to a one-man office with an 'attention' being addressed to that man's secretary, is the salutation directed to the man or his secretary? A letter to Attorney Joe Smith with the letter being made to the attention of 'Sue'. Would it be Dear Mr. Smith or Dear Sue? - Hi, The purpose of an attention line is to direct your letter to a specific person within an organization when you are addressing the letter to an organization and not an individual. Your question and example is actually an inappropriate use of the attention line.

  • Is a non-specific salutation adopted in the 70s, advocated by supporters of women's rights. The thoughts behind this were that it is sexual discrimination to have different salutations for a married woman vs. A single woman, while men have only the one - 'Mr.' - regardless of their marital status.
  • Ask yourself, “If I got this email, why should I read it?” People’s inboxes are crammed with a million messages. Make your message about what he or she wants and you'll stand out in a sea of selfish messages.
  • Dear: This salutation is appropriate in many circumstances, whether you know the person well, or if they are a business acquaintance, a potential employer, or a supervisor. If you know the person well, use their first name only.

Depending on the context of the letter, you would keep one person on c.c. Based on your example, if I was writing a letter to Joe complementing Sue for exceptional service, I would address the letter to Joe (Dear Joe) and keep Sue in c.c. Regards, Dax Cheng Using the name of company instead of the name of person?

What salutation should I use for a letter if I don't know if the woman is married or single or divoriced? Is there any difference between the salutations miss,ms,mrs? Why saluation ms.is used for girls? What do you put in a formal email's salutation when you don't know who you're writing to (male/female)? Just use hi or hello as suggested by Chirag Deshpande.

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By Parvane Yousefloo (Karaj. Iran) May we use the name of company instead of the name of person in greeting part?

- Hi Parvane, Dear (Company Name) is acceptable but I personally do not like it. If you know and is dealing with the individual in charge, it is best to address it to the person. When you address it to the person, you are showing respect to the reader. If you are addressing to an organization and not an individual, then use the following: Ladies and Gentlemen: And if you want to highlight the letter to an individual(s) in the organization, use the attention line as follows: Attention: Miss J. Fonda, CEO and Mr. Jackson, CFO Ladies and Gentlemen: Regards Dax Cheng When addressing a letter is Jr.

Considered a title? Which one is correct: Mr. John Smith, Jr. Or John and Joan Smith, Jr. In this case is Jr. Considered a title or is it proper to put Mr. Before the name?

- Answer: It depends. If you are writing to a personal friend or close business associate, you can leave out the courtesy title (Mr., Miss etc). Is considered a suffix. A suffix follows a person’s full name and provides additional information about the person. A doctor has a suffix of M.D. This is required in formal letters. Regards, Dax Cheng When to spell out Junior by Douglas (New York) When if anytime are you supposed to spell out Junior in a title or just us Jr.

I'm addressing a letter to a Senator who is a Jr. Do I spell out Junior in the Title: The Honorable John Doe Junior OR The Honorable John Doe JR. Hi Douglas, Many etiquette specialists prefer that “junior” be spelled out. When it is spelled out, the “j” is not capitalized.

Do note, this is only a preference as using the abbreviation is still acceptable. Regards, Dax.

In February 2018, I took on a new job managing and writing Forbes' education coverage. I'd spent the previous two years on the Entrepreneurs team, following six years writing for the Leadership channel. My mission with education is to explore the intersection of education and business.

I'm recruiting contributors and also looking for my own stories. I’ve been at Forbes since 1995, writing about everything from books to billionaires. Among my favorite stories: South Africa’s first black billionaire, Patrice Motsepe, and British diamond jewelry mogul Laurence Graff, both of whom built their vast fortunes from nothing. At Forbes magazine I also did a stint editing the lifestyle section and I used to edit opinion pieces by the likes of John Bogle and Gordon Bethune. I got my job at Forbes through a brilliant libertarian economist, Susan Lee, whom I used to put on television at MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Before that I covered law and lawyers for journalistic stickler, harsh taskmaster and the best teacher a young reporter could have had, Steven Brill. Earlier this week, Forbes leadership editor Fred Allen came to me with a question: Has “Hi” replaced “Dear” as the most common and accepted e-mail salutation?

In scanning his e-mails, Fred realized that an increasing number of strangers were approaching him not with “Dear Mr. Allen” or “Dear Fred,” but with “Hi Fred,” or simply “Hi.” I searched my inbox and realized that I was experiencing the same phenomenon. I almost always write “Hi” in my e-mail correspondence to people I don’t know. I make rare exceptions for formal contacts, like a CEO I’m approaching cold. In most instances, I’m conscious that I’m choosing to get familiar. As a journalist, I want the other person to let down their guard and have a revealing exchange with me. Likewise, it makes sense to me that publicists or others addressing Fred and me would use the informal “Hi” salutation.

Their goal is similar to mine: They want to sound relaxed and welcoming, to get us interested enough in their pitch to respond to it. But what is the rest of the world doing when it comes to e-mail salutations? How is most business conducted these days, and what is the best way to approach e-mail greetings, at a time when e-mail and texting increasingly replace voice-to-voice conversations and in-person meetings? For answers, I talked to our social media editor, 33, to Roy Cohen, 57, a career coach who specializes in jobs, to our 21-year-old summer intern, and to two corporate etiquette consultants, Lydia Ramsey, 65, in Savannah, Georgia and Cynthia Lett, 54, in Silver Springs, Md. I also talked to Farhad Manjoo, 33, the technology columnist for Slate who records a regular “Manners for the Digital Age” podcast for Slate.com.

And I checked in with a friend, Cynthia Cross, 53, who runs Hagen/Sinclair Research Recruiting, a California company that recruits participants for market research studies. Finally, I talked to Mark Hurst, 39, author of Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-Mail Overload. I got an interesting variety of responses from this group.


The bottom line: While etiquette sticklers like Ramsey and Lett insist that all business e-mails should begin with the word “Dear,” there is no uniform rule these days. But you should definitely use some form of a salutation, rather than just diving into the e-mail text, unless you’re writing to someone you know very well.

Though many people now see “Dear” as outmoded, it is a failsafe fall-back, and “Hello,” followed by the person’s name, is also acceptable. “Hi,” followed by the person’s name, has been on the rise for some time, and is considered standard in many situations. Knapp, who negotiated commercial real estate deals for a living before joining Forbes full-time last year, says he doesn’t remember ever using “Dear” as a salutation in e-mails. He doesn’t use “Hi” either. “I always thought it was too informal,” he says. “’Hi’” is too cutesy.” Instead Knapp simply starts with the person’s first name, or the last name preceded by “Mr.” or “Ms.” At Forbes, Knapp takes the same approach, addressing sources by name. Free download torrent software. Alison, our intern, who works as the news editor at the Yale Daily News during the school year, says she always uses “Dear,” unless, she says, “the person I’m e-mailing is, like, 20.” But Alison says this is likely because her mother is a stickler who insisted she send proper handwritten thank-you notes as a child.

She says that most of her student writers use “Hi,” or they use no salutation at all. “I don’t really know what you’re supposed to do,” she confesses. Business etiquette consultant Ramsey thinks Alison is doing the right thing. But she adds that context and familiarity dictate the salutation. When in doubt, “Dear” is always safe, and it should be the default greeting for any first correspondence.

For Ramsey, the most important point is to use some form of salutation. Otherwise, e-mail is too cold and impersonal. “It’s one of the ways you can warm up e-mail,” she says. Consultant Lett is more adamant. “Eighty percent of the people I know will not do business with someone who starts an e-mail with their first name, because they don’t feel like they are being respected,” she says.

Which Salutation Should I Use For Single Woman

“E-mail is a letter, not a conversation,” she maintains. Career coach Cohen agrees with the etiquette consultants that “Dear” is a wise fall-back for any initial correspondence in a job search, though he does not feel as strongly as Lett about “Hi” and a first name being uniformly unacceptable. In some businesses, like digital communication and marketing, a less formal approach is best, he adds. Manjoo says he has noticed that “Hi” is becoming increasingly acceptable as a replacement for “Dear.” “’Dear’ seems really stuck in the print and handwritten age,” he says. Searching his own e-mail, he could find only one note that used “Dear.” It was from his bank.

“I don’t think actual people use ‘Dear,’” he says. For a job application, Manjoo likes the word “Hello” as a salutation, because it’s more formal than “Hi,” but not as stiff as “Dear.” In market research recruiting, Cross says that she and her recruiters have used “Hi” or just “Name” for years, “except for very formal outreach, which we seldom do.” Just yesterday, she received a project request from a stranger at a major technology company. The e-mail began, “Hi there.” Mark Hurst, author of the book Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-Mail Overload., believes that “Dear” is totally outmoded. “You simply don’t start e-mails with the word ‘Dear,’” he says.

“It’s simply not a practice I see.” For Hurst, an e-mail should be judged on whether it communicates as clearly and succinctly as possible, not whether it uses a particular salutation. “What’s at stake here is not being polite,” he says. “It’s the time and attention you’re asking from the person you’re e-mailing.” My conclusion, after talking to a range of people, and reflecting on the state of the e-mail salutation: I disagree with Hurst that “Dear” is dead. The fact that I easily found two etiquette consultants with substantial practices who say it’s an essential way to start business e-mails means that plenty of people still see it as the preferred way to open an e-mail. On the other hand, I didn’t hunt far to find Manjoo and Hurst, e-mail pros who never use the word “Dear.” Cross, a longtime market research manager, underlines their point.

I would stick with “Dear” as a way to open an initial piece of business correspondence or any e-mail you are sending that has to do with the first contact in a job search, unless you have good reason to think that the person you’re contacting prefers a less formal form of address. But I also believe that “Hi” is becoming more acceptable, and in many businesses, it’s the norm. What do you think? How do you address your e-mails? I welcome comments on this post.

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